section 8 housing in Shillington Pennsylvania

Below you will find the most recent rentals for section 8 housing in Shillington Pennsylvania. While the majority of these properties are apartments some are also section 8 houses for rent. Once you have your section 8 voucher feel free to contact any of the prospective landlords in Shillington using the contact information provided below.

Section 8 Housing List for Shillington Pennsylvania (PA)




Number of bedrooms






NHPMN Management, LLC
Phone: 610-777-6519


SHILLINGTON, PA 19607-2047

Phone: 610-777-6519 







One Comment

  1. Cindy J. Boyer

    Hi, I’ve been trying so hard to find an apartment with 1 bedroom since April 28th with no success. The only place willing to fill out the request for tenancy form was Shillington Commons and they were too much $799 for one bedroom but they at least would accept the voucher. My voucher runs out on an odd date of August 28th and most places go by the 1st. But people are very skeptical of this program. And I tell them the housing inspector’s name and phone number and urge them to speak with him about the program. How can I find a place and within my time limits? I appreciate your help! Sincerely Yours, Cindy J. Boyer

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