Below you will find the most recent rentals for section 8 housing in Collinsville Oklahoma. While the majority of these properties are apartments some are also section 8 houses for rent. Once you have your section 8 voucher feel free to contact any of the prospective landlords in Collinsville using the contact information provided below.
Section 8 Housing List for Collinsville Oklahoma (OK)
Contact |
Property |
Type |
Number of bedrooms |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5+ |
LynCo, Inc. Phone: (918) 488-8485 |
ST. TERESA OF AVILA VILLA 525 No. 19th Street Collinsville, OK |
I am Cherokee Indian , Looking for A Section 8 House to Rent in Collinsville, Oklahoma. My son is on SSI And Sees Doctor Shoemaker, and Dr. Stort at The Tulsa IHCRC , for PTSD, Severe ADHD, and OCD. I also Take care of my Fiance whom has Huntingtons Chorea, and Guilles De La Tourettes. I think they would both do better in A Rural Community. My son has two dogs small 9 and 8 pound dogs. We all live in A one bedroom Apartment. Sincerely Carolyn J. Vice
Our Lease is due this week but in 6 months we would have A chance to move again. Looking out for best interest of my Family and our options. Lived in Collinsville before. Prefer an acre if possible. Sincere Regards Carolyn J. Vice