Below you will find the most recent rentals for section 8 housing in Shelby Ohio. While the majority of these properties are apartments some are also section 8 houses for rent. Once you have your section 8 voucher feel free to contact any of the prospective landlords in Shelby using the contact information provided below.
Section 8 Housing List for Shelby Ohio (OH)
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5+ |
Kurt Stimens Revocable Living Trust Phone: 419-774-9292 |
Elderly |
I briefly lived @ Smiley Gardens #49 in Shelby, it is horrible although rumored to be one of their nicest properties said a mait. guy & a tenant hired to do work around the place to knock off rent for his apartment which abuses his affiliation & which I find very hard to believe and sad at the same time the place is a dump. Repairs never happen, bugs/ drug users galore, illegal pet deposit for emotional support/service animals, winter the driveway areas are never plowed and walk ways are always very icy, numerous people have fell & mind you these are disabled and or seniors or both, warm months they bread disease carrying mosquitos by not mowing down wooded sections, the dead trees @ any storm makes a person wonder when one will come through your apt. and take you out all the while they could careless as long as they collect that rent money. Very rude and unprofessional landlord & office is right & mouthy, Kurt Stimens is very mouthy, he is always making threatening and rude comments unless your a good looking gal that he can flirt with which im not one to be flirted with, before I left a crater size of a hole in the ground was in front of a dumpster that had sat that way for I was told a long time & the mait. guy told me Kurt himself actually caught a tenants apt. outside wall on fire with diesel fuel as a snake removal, everything combined was enough for me. The initial comment & ratings “Stimens Apartments on South Main” is very very accurate for majority of this guys places but leaving your Apt. unlocked is stupid & self inflicting. I only moved there to be closer to family it was all I could find @ the moment having a partial disability now im away from that & will never rent from him again anywhere