Below you will find the most recent rentals for section 8 housing in Norcross Georgia. While the majority of these properties are apartments some are also section 8 houses for rent. Once you have your section 8 voucher feel free to contact any of the prospective landlords in Norcross using the contact information provided below.
Section 8 Housing List for Norcross Georgia (GA)
Contact |
Property |
Type |
Number of bedrooms |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5+ |
PRISM Realty Management, Inc. Phone: 770-447-4162 |
Family |
My name is Francinia Newland and I am relocating to Norcross GA in April of 2012. I am looking for a 2-3 bedroom house or apartment that will take a section8 voucher. If you are able to help me or refer me to someone who can please contact me at 931-217-1229 or email me at
My name is Ramona Morrison and I will be relocating to Duluth GA in June 2014. I am looking for a 2 bedroom apartment that will accept section8 close to Duluth because my aunt resides there and I don’t want to occupy her space to a long time. If you are able to help me out or refer me to someone who can point me in the right direction would be a blessing to me. Please contact me thru via email,
looking to rent a 4 bedroom modern home in Atlanta that accepts or willing to accept section 8. Are there any in midtown like high rise I can pay more on top of my voucher. I am from Ohio so I don’t know where to look. currently my voucher is being processed for gwinnett county.