Below you will find the most recent rentals for section 8 housing in Douglasville Georgia. While the majority of these properties are apartments some are also section 8 houses for rent. Once you have your section 8 voucher feel free to contact any of the prospective landlords in Douglasville using the contact information provided below.
Section 8 Housing List for Douglasville Georgia (GA)
Contact |
Property |
Type |
Number of bedrooms |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5+ |
Housing Authority of the County of Douglas Phone: (770) 942-3121 |
Elderly |
Douglas County Resources Inc Phone: (404) 942-1131 |
Disabled |
Douglas County Ventures Inc Phone: (404) 942-1131 |
Disabled |
CRICO Management Services, LLC Phone: 770-949-8308 |
Family |
VOA of South Alabama Phone: (251) 666-4431 |
DOUGLASVILLE VOA HSG 6865 Forrest Ave Douglasville, GA |
Disabled |
That’s right people. Don’t get a job and an education to improve yourself so you can afford to pay for your own house with your own money. Just move into an “Obama house” and let OTHERS pay for you from THEIR hard earned paychecks. Welfare is a sin! If you’re in these homes for more than five years, you’re a slimey, wormy leech! It takes five years to get an education and a good paying job to support YOURSELF! Poor people can go to college on the tax payers dime too. USE IT and then get out of my wallet! If you have babies while in these homes, you’re a leech then too! *I* should not have to pay for your laziness and bad choices. You asked for a comment? I gave you one. It’s the truth that no one else will tell you so…there it is.
Is it possible for whoever maintains this website to delete comments filled with misinformation? Elderly and disabled people deserve housing, and the government programs to provide it have been in place for decades. As responsible citizens, we pay taxes to help those in need.
Go ahead and delete it, lady. Section 8 ripoff artists are all over the net. The elderly and disabled? I have three section 8 renters in my subdivison alone right now,lady. None of them, NONE of them are elderly or disabled. NONE of them mow their lawns, none of them…NONE of them… have trash service and each one has more than four kids with one family counting eight. two of them have more than one family in the home which is ILLEGAL so they can “game” the system. last week there were three cop cars down there at three diferent times. One landlord is trying to get his family out after elss than a year but can’t get HUD to do anything about it. Another LL was fined because his renters started a fire in the back yard that caught a tree on fire and another one sealed up windows of a back porch with plastic that we assume he will use to grow weed. When one neighbor ELDERLY and deaf in one ear (isn’;t that your definition of disabled and elderly???) went to complain to one family about the noise at 2 a.m. he was told he’d get his “Old white *** kicked” if he showed up again. You’re right, genius. The elderly and disabled do need help…but find me the proportion of those in TRUE need vs. those who are lazy pieces of garbage that just want to tear down society! I’ve worked with these people, lady. YOU have no idea what you’re talking about and that ,akes YOU part of the problem. They have NO right to take my tax dollars to cause problems and bring down home values of those who have RIGHTFULLy earned their lives. If you disagree, then YOU take them into YOUR home with YOUR money! Unbelievable!
Buster that is not always the case. I have a bachelors degree in Business Management and I was a project manager on track to make $50,000 / year. Unfortunately the system that you seem to have so much faith in does not have the same faith in the people that it serves. Because my husband has an illness that no insurance company will cover I am not able to work or he will lose his health benefits because of the few people who have decided that they don’t want to work and they would rather use the tax payers dollars to make a living. So talk about only what you know because not everyone is lazy and not everyone doesn’t want to work or is uneducated because as you can see I am none of the above but unfortunately because of people like you and your lack of knowledge it has developed the system that works against my 6 years of education and willingness to work. Think before you speak.
i am sure there are alot of other things that are being done with your tax paying dollars. If you are so angry about section 8 recipients maybe you should become one also because it sounds like you are mad/jealous that you are paying full rent and those recipients are not. You can not control what to implement with the portion of taxes that you spend. If you dont want to contribute to this country, maybe you should just move to another country and find something else to complain about. 🙂
Not all section8 ppl are lazy..Im on section 8 & I work for 1 of the Biggest companys in New Jersey…I’ve been a bus operator for 10yrs plus go 2 school..Your right some ppl that has it is very lazy & dnt want 2 do anything for themselves but live off of it..I pay my taxes every year & it dnt matter how many years your on it..But what I do know,,a lot of ppl wish they had SECTION8!!! So now im relocating 2 Georgia & now I hve 2 look out 4 ppl like u judging me…Just know only GOD can!!!If you want 2 judge someone, Try looking in the mirror @ yourself first be for u start 2 judge anyone!!!!
Early Americana went to africa and brought over slaves who didnt want to come over to america, so that they could have ppl to work for free…..most section 8 recipients are descendants those ppl… they feel like they are owed this help…..if your forefathers would have kept they ass over here and left our ancestors where they were…. then you wouldn’t have to worry about section 8 welfare or anything of the sort…so BUSTER and any body else that has any stupid shit to say can blow it out their ass.
I’m in a section 8 apt. I have a ex who pays the child support and I have one son. (while married I was a SAHM.) With the money from him and my babysitting jobs, I just couldn’t make it. Now I attend college full time and I can’t wait to get out of here. There isn’t any crime here, no cops driving around etc. I just don’t want to live where I’m living. I do have a degree but I couldn’t find a job. That’s when I decided to go back to college. I understand that there are a lot of people who are working the system but I am trying my best to get out. I also receive Medicaid, lots of people look down on that. If they can’t visually see anything wrong with you, you must be milking the system. My point is; there are people who aren’t lazy etc. I want to do better for my self and my child. I know that I can do better.