Below you will find the most recent rentals for section 8 housing in Marina Del Rey California. While the majority of these properties are apartments some are also section 8 houses for rent. Once you have your section 8 voucher feel free to contact any of the prospective landlords in Marina Del Rey using the contact information provided below.
Section 8 Housing List for Marina Del Rey California (CA)
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Number of bedrooms |
1 |
2 |
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5+ |
Family |
Hello, I have recently received a Section 8 Voucher after waiting 8 years. I am a disabled mental health professional in business for myself and have lived in my residence for 21 years. Due to my disability I must leave high rise living and would love to move closer to the water as the downtown air has been bothering me now for some years. I have a 2 bedroom voucher and have a very nice apt that has been tailored for me, grab bars and all but after 21 years, it’s time for a change. I would love a townhome or condo. Your feedback appreciated. Thank you.
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Tina Humdy and I had orginally placed my name on the waiting list for the Redwood Village Apartments in the Spring of 1990. Since 1990 to 2010, I have written several letters to your corporate office and I was informed there was no record of my name on the waiting list.There has been several changes in management, as a result of this,the waitlist of which I was on in 1990, wasn’t updated or management had skipped over that wait list. I will continue to follow up on this and I would like a response of my status. I am a section 8 participant and my voucher is from LA County. I’m a foster parent and I have a full time job. I would like to be consider for the next available unit or be place back on your waiting list for a 2 bedroom and please send me a letter stating my waitlist status.Currently, I reside in Las Vegas,NV, but I’m planning to relocate back to CA in December 2011 or January 2011. I can be reached at:
Tina Humdy
5855 Valley Drive #2090
North Las Vegas,NV 89031
(702) 325-8658
I’ll follow up with a phone call next week.
Tina Humdy
To Whom It May Concern:
Please remove my personal information from this site.I thought it was a site to place your name on the wait list.
I would be interested in a 1 brm apartment. I have lived in Hollywood, in the bad area, since 1997. am exposed to toxic paint fumes (furniture store just across the alley, where my apartment faces. I am on disability, (FIbromyalgia, major Depressive Disorder) and well educated. I am a writer and an artist, (collage, water color) who doesn’t earn money off of my “talent”and have a good rental record, but fair credit. That apparently has never got in my way before. I am responsible and clean. I am also over 55 and am looking for a long term place to live. I will have to stay in my current apartment for 1 year- if there is a waiting list, could you place me on it?