section 8 housing in Lafollette Tennessee

Below you will find the most recent rentals for section 8 housing in Lafollette Tennessee. While the majority of these properties are apartments some are also section 8 houses for rent. Once you have your section 8 voucher feel free to contact any of the prospective landlords in Lafollette using the contact information provided below.

Section 8 Housing List for Lafollette Tennessee (TN)




Number of bedrooms






Lumar Corp
Phone: 561-745-9099


200 Davis RD

LAFOLLETTE, TN 37766-7423

Phone: 423-566-7022 








  1. Emma Lowe

    I am writing in response to the new TN Residential landlord tenant lease agreement, effective 6/7/11. I moved into my apartment mid-July 2010. I was quoted and paid $325.00 monthly rent (until this month) plus $400.00 damage deposit for a 2 bedroom unit that was NOT made ready for move in. I did view this unit prior to occupancy without working utilities and/or in improper lighting. I was not afforded a proper inspection prior to occupancy. I was promised all in all cleaning and maintenance prior to occupancy, and waited 3 weeks to move in, where upon I found it was NOT done. I painted the 2 bedrooms with what insufficient paint was delivered by maintenance, and cleaned the entire apartment by myself, because the maintenance did NOT do this. I had to clean the carpet to reduce the cat odor that the previous tenant left behind. The kitchen and bath were filthy! The bath did not contain all and all accessories; I purchased these myself. My front door lock was not changed prior to occupancy, nor to date. And I am still awaiting promised repairs and maintenance. I have written to Property Management twice this year requesting follow up on the promised repairs and maintenance, to no avail. Instead maintenance delivered a gallon of white glossy paint and floor tiles for me to do the work myself, which I cannot do as I am disabled. More over, the new lease implies that I accepted this unit in good condition and repair, and that I paid $250.00 damage deposit – opposing the actual amount which I have receipt for, in the sum of $400.00. I have written to the Property Manager requesting corrections to this new lease agreement. I have not received a reply nor response to date. What I have received is a Notice of Non-Compliance for having daytime visitors in my unit, to be followed by a 14 day eviction Notice! Which followed a personal matter involving another tenant and new maintenance; whereby it was thought that my son was pursuing her/his girl friend. False allegations and slander were made against my person and my household following this non-related personal matter between a neighbor and maintenance. This is unconscionable behavior! And I fear it may ill affect the temporary custody placement of my grandchild which i now possess should this behavior persists. AND, I was forced to sign this new lease agreement in the presence of others/tenants without opportunity to review, and told that I would not be allowed to stay if I did not sign immediately. It is with great reluctance that i write, as I fear I may be evicted because of this. I have enjoyed residing here and maintain a good relations with all neighbors. I do not believe that I am in non-compliance with any portion of my lease agreement. I am on a fixed disability income and chose this apartment for location and affordability. I would like to continue my stay. I would just like to have a corrected lease agreement which shows the true poor condition of my unit upon occupancy and the actual damage deposit paid. And I hereby request maintenance long overdue for this unit. Thank you.

  2. Emma Lowe

    NOTE: Upon original occupancy rent quote was $325.00 monthly. Recently my neighbors and I have been informed by new maintenance that this rent was to be $275.00 monthly all along. This has recently been reduced to $275.00 monthly. Further, I was not asked nor made to sign a lease, as I had agreed to a month-to-month oral lease agreement with Property Management, without knowledge of contents thereof. This was merely assumed. I have also recently requested to add occupants to my 2 bedroom unit, without reply to date. Currently there are 2 occupants in my 2 bedroom unit. This is to be a temporary arrangement for my displaced son.

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